27 June 2011


So, admittedly, I really enjoy the use of the word "blog" now, contrary to what I wrote in the first post since I re-commenced BTG. Part of why is because I have awakened to the usefulness of blogs to get in touch with individuals in what could be one of their purest moments: what they choose to put online to reflect them, what they do, who they are. Despite it being still a funky word, blogs really do bring me enjoyment. The other part is because I've kept the pleasant habit of listening to music to start off my moment. (Here is one of those pure moments that let me reflect who I am to everyone outside of me!)

I'm the kind of guy who thinks that you should listen to the music I am listening to now, as I type, because it will bring you that much closer to me in this moment,  feeling me. 

If you want to try, I am listening to Passion Pit's EP "Chunk of Change" and there is a nice breeze at sunset and the mosquito bite from a few hours ago doesn't itch. Feeling pretty good... 

(Just returned from a petit hiatus: just stormed through la Rue de Pietons with a blindfolded girl with all eyes on the parade. More about that later.)

Sorry, a little inconsistency there. I am not French, but I am in the French riviera, by the way. Specifically, I am in Menton ("chin") a morning's jog away from Monaco, or Italy if you go in the opposite direction. It is a quaint (read: small, as evidenced by the fact that it almost never appears on a map; see below) town-village that is composed rather exactly by all of the casually glamorous photos found with a quick Google Image search. I have become quite fond of it, but I think to me this means looking at it rather that living in it. That's okay. 
. . .
I just recalled that before joining the parade of colleagues--we are here studying i.e. beaching, drinking, generally living--I was looking out over the balcony of my room and on the old-style shingled roof there was a bird fumbling with his feet. Maybe her feet, I don't know. Birds are less obvious than humans to me. S/he was walking down the slope of the roof and kept slipping. It was amusing to watch not because I don't like birds but because this was a formidable looking bird. When I mean formidable, imagine a large hawk with the detailed grey feathers of a forest owl competing with seagulls for food. (I did a quick Google search hoping for just a photo; but good luck with this.) Watching birds look silly is nice. I often look at them and see some sort of majesty, freedom of flight and all that, so seeing the opposite is pretty fun. Makes you wonder what ridiculous human behavior city birds see all day long. Endless humor...

. . . 
Anyway, I have been living here since 4 Juin after spending 1 June traveling from Paris to Nice via TGV (thanks Eurostar!) and indulging in the beautiful Nice for a few days. Stayed in a great hostel i.e. free breakfast and soft bed and water, temperature-indifferent. Sat on the beach objectifying and philosophizing with the Mediterranean. Then, I thought about keeping up with my experiences, typical as they were, perhaps, on the blog, but I had already begun a written journal invested with drawings and doodles. I like what's contained in it-- probably will like it much more in a year or two, provided it doesn't burn away (note: scan page-by-page into computer ...) After being established here for some time now and gaining a reasonable work load for class, I don't write in it as often. Translated, that means that it has transformed into the occasional poem and a handful of ink sketches. This pleases me; it shall continue. 

I will put up two more comprehensive posts for those patient enough and wanting to "put themselves in my shoes". Selling point: my father has issued me a "1000-photo" challenge, as he knows that I am rather bad about documenting with photographs. I now have a reason to carry around my phone, it having been on "airplane mode" pretty much since I got off of the plane. So, you can rest assured that any post concerning France will be as engaging as an illustrated book. 

Random last note, check the website this rather beautiful photo was taken from. LOL.

written by the re-inspired,

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I'm listening to Chunk of Change, and I like it a LOT. Its way more organic and human than Manners was, and easier to lose yourself in, identify with - less frenetic and processed. *downloading. Also, each song is a lot more distinct to me; a lot of the songs on Manners blend together to me. lolz at the bird. I was definitely a bird-chasing terror as a child; all ducks and pidgeons best watch their backs. hehe
